Wednesday, November 9, 2011 | By: phoebe

Mavis meets Adelaide

Mavis didn't know what - or who - she expected to see upon passing through the passageway but this was not it. Not that she minded in the least, she quite enjoyed meeting all kinds of strange beings, but a raven faced girl in a spotted leopard coat was definitely unexpected.
"Who are you? Where am I?" she asked of the raven girl. "What an odd place this is".
"An odd place is the best place of all. And shouldn't you also ask 'when am I?'" replied the raven girl. "But no matter, I will tell you who I am and where you are and when we are. My name, Mavis, is Adelaide Le Corbeau and we are on The Other Side in a time that moves back and forth between yesterday and today and tomorrow. If you look through the trees you can still see the normal world with the normal people going about their normal business. But they can't see you. They could if they wanted to but The Normals don't ever see what is not right in front of them and easily explained. And we are not easily explained."

"So what happens now?" Mavis asked, wondering just what this world was all about. The Not Normal World of the Other Side. "Patience dear Mavis" Adelaide said with a small smile, "patience. You will soon see with your own two eyes the many things that there are  to see. But first, we must travel through the ghost world. Do not be alarmed, they will not harm you,  they are but the filter between this world and that, just in case a regular old Normal happens to stumble in. Normals are awfully afraid of ghosts."

"Well",  said Mavis, "it's a good thing that I am not a Normal, though I don't know quite what I am, because ghosts don't scare me a bit. I rather like them I dare say."
And with that said Mavis and Adelaide set off on their way into the Other Side and away from the Normals. And into the Ghost World.

to be continued...


Laura said...

I love that your images are paired with your story and maybe even inspired it? I'm in awe and totally captivated. Loving your imagination my friend!

Nichole Renee said...

I'm in love. This is wonderful and magical...and NEW. Like Laura, I am captivated.

phoebe said...

Thank you ladies :)

Laura - a little of both I'd say, the story and the photos are inspiring each other!

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